Investigating (i) the utility and reliability of self-reports for describing motor fluctuations; (ii) the agreement between participants and clinical raters on the presence of motor complications; (iii) the ability of video raters to accurately assess motor symptoms, and (iv) the dynamics of tremor, dyskinesia, and bradykinesia as they evolve over the medication cycle.

Article Type:
Research Article
Michael Kelley Erb, Daniel Karlin, Bryan Ho, Kevin Thomas, Federico Parisi, Gloria P. Vergara-Diaz, Jean-Francois Daneault, Paul Wacnik, Hao Zhang, Tairmae Kangarloo, Charmaine Demanuele, Chris R. Brooks, Craig N. Detheridge, Nina Shaafi Kabiri, Jaspreet S. Bhangu, Paolo Bonato
Publication Date:
17 January 2020